Sweet DIY Basteliden with precocious flowers to taste

Sweet DIY Basteliden with precocious flowers to taste

Flowers are the far-ferns of boats that warm up Jahreszeiten. Sieht man süße Gänseblümchen on the Wiesen, the Rosenbüsche im Park stands in fuller blight and lies mountaineering and scrubbing in the edges of the fields a true root and blue has a heart on, the lagoon is and is pleasing to nature. The beauty of softening is very easy to mix, but flowers can be pressed and read from the reading area, the slab and the underneath. Here is mind 10+ süße DIY Basteliden with precocious flowers to nibble.

Basteliden with embossed flowers, DIY Basteliden, DIY decoids, Blumen presses, decoidee, blumendeko, walldeco bastelen,

Blumen directig pressen

Puffed up flowers, steeped in full bloom, then the colors lie beautiful. Enjoy unpainted blossoms, which are invaded by insects or become windy. Such breaths are essentially sharpened to pressures such as flat bubbles, which are haunting, stubborn, safe or mistaken. Some foliage foliage of flowers were roses or lilies welded to the press as were flat leaves of furrows and bays.

Basteliden with embossed flowers, DIY Basteliden, DIY decoids, Blumen presses, decoidee, blumendeko, walldeco bastelen,


The flowers should be welded to our presses on a kitchen paper. Zum presses can either be used with presses (such as in bins, game drawers or in the internet) or simply a book can be used. Attention: These flowers were given by presses to get rid of, because of the books. Do not regret the fact that you have a favorite showcase! Spreads the blisters and leaves between two sapphire leaf parchment paper or blotting paper. These were opened up to the aversion of the flowers.

Basteliden with embossed flowers, DIY Basteliden, DIY decoids, Blumen presses, decoidee, blumendeko, walldeco bastelen,

You can press several candles on one side of the book to read, one at a time spacing between sets. Shoot the press or fold the book. Then some more books stack on the book, stuck in the flowers. Regularly turns off the parchment paper and writes at least one week, until the flowers fall into the wild. Dann can be that much DIY Bastelideen with prestigious flowers nachmachen!


3D Wandbild

That ship from one angle to another. The frames should be dick, though this may cause real 3D effects. As next, they arrange the flowers for Geschmack. Jede Blume with a stecknadel in a 1cm distance to the back of the fence sign.

Basteliden with embossed flowers, DIY Basteliden, DIY decoids, Blumen presses, decoidee, blumendeko, walldeco bastelen,

Nice wall counter

The Blüten still arrange Geschmack on Tellern. The backstreet of the soft cloths with napkin covers. Then close the counter. At the end of the day, they cover blots with a layer of napkin flaps, pull welds and wall hangers on the back of the counter.

Basteliden with embossed flowers, DIY Basteliden, DIY decoids, Blumen presses, decoidee, blumendeko, walldeco bastelen,
Basteliden with embossed flowers, DIY Basteliden, DIY decoids, Blumen presses, decoidee, blumendeko, walldeco bastelen,

Romantic Glückwunschkarten

Fails to attach paper to karts and sorts with embossed flowers. Also have a clear idea for the loading boards to enjoy! Further interpreting ideas also say Claudia in this post: "Selbst Made is beautiful! DIY Bastelideen - Einladungskarten Hochzeit".

Basteliden with embossed flowers, DIY Basteliden, DIY decoids, Blumen presses, decoidee, blumendeko, walldeco bastelen,

Bastelideen with prestigious flowers - Lower reading book

Cut a piece of paper into a long straight and punch a piece into one end. Snag a hub band in the loop. Then dressed with napkin cloths decorated flowers. A custom gift idea!

Search bastelen, Bastelideen with embossed flowers, DIY Basteliden, DIY decoids, Blumen presses, decoidee, blumendeko, walldeco bastelen,

Super soft lights picture

In 5 minutes forty! Cut a piece of paper on the size of a picture drum. Not adhering to those daddy with flowers, burdening the cloth and straining the picture in the frames.

Basteliden with embossed flowers, DIY Basteliden, DIY decoids, Blumen presses, decoidee, blumendeko, walldeco bastelen,


Cutlery for reading

Get a more fun idea for reading! Stokes small Löcher in the pages of the reading story. Naturschnur does not need to pick up a bad Nadel and does this disadvantage with the Löcher. Then power one knot and stick to the flowers.

Search bastelen, Bastelideen with embossed flowers, DIY Basteliden, DIY decoids, Blumen presses, decoidee, blumendeko, walldeco bastelen,

Search bastelen, Bastelideen with embossed flowers, DIY Basteliden, DIY decoids, Blumen presses, decoidee, blumendeko, walldeco bastelen,

The post Süße DIY Bastelideen with compressed flowers to taste appeared first on DEKOBASTELIDEEN | DIY Ideas - Deco - Bastideid - Gift - Decoration.