Yoga for menstrual pain: these 6 yoga exercises help!

If you have moderate to severe menstrual cramps, you will do almost anything to relieve them. Something that you may not have tried is yoga. Some yogis recommend taking a break during the period so that the body can rest and renew itself, but can yoga help with menstrual pain? Yoga is a natural cure for just about everything, and PMS (and the cramps that go with it!) Are no exception. Yoga trains deep breathing, which ensures that all tissues are supplied with oxygen and thus relieves pain. There are also certain yoga exercises that massage the stomach muscles and gently stretch them.

Yoga for menstrual pain: what does science say?

Yoga helps with period pain show examinations

According to an overview of studies published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in 2017, yoga can help with common menstrual problems such as cramps and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). The systematic review analyzed the results of 15 studies examining how regular yoga practice affected a woman's experience of cramps, PMS, polycystic ovarian syndrome (which causes ovulation disorders), and premenstrual dysphoria (a severe form of PMS) . The subjects' experiences related to both psychological and physical symptoms.

All studies found that yoga is associated with reduced symptom severity and pain relief. Some also observed a reduction in bloating and breast tenderness, a better mood and more relaxation and concentration.

Do yoga to relieve stomach upset

Yoga seems to relieve both physical and mental symptoms. “The authors of these studies suggest that yoga affects pain and the body's interpretation of pain, possibly by stimulating the release of natural pain relievers in the body,” said report author Jennifer Oates, a mental health professor at King’s College London.

The studies in the review included different types of yoga practices and intensities. Most of the subjects practiced yoga daily or every two days. According to Oats, further studies are needed to determine exactly which types of yoga are best for menstrual health and whether they can offer long-term benefits.

Yoga appears to relieve both physical and mental symptoms of PMS

Based on her current findings, she recommends healthy women to try yoga for menstrual pain. Most studies asked women to do yoga throughout their cycle (not just their period), and the results were measured over several weeks or months. “I would recommend attending more than one class before deciding whether yoga works for them or not,” she says.

Do yoga for menstrual cramps to relieve pain

She also suggests that beginners should start with a gentle Hatha class before trying other types of yoga. Classes focusing on breathing and relaxation techniques can also be beneficial for menstrual pain and PMS, she says. Also interesting: 12 myths about yoga that you shouldn't believe anymore

These yoga exercises help with menstrual pain!

Are you suffering from menstrual pain? Try these yoga poses! They relax the abdomen and just do good.

1. Childhood (Balasana) + The Rabbit (Shashankasana)

Yoga exercise for relaxation child posture

The child pose (balansana) is the posture of absolute relaxation in yoga and a good way to gently stretch different parts of the body, especially the back, hips, thighs and ankles. This asana can also help relieve back pain.

A variant of the child position that activates the abdominal organs better is Shashankasana. The knees are directed outwards. The focus of this posture is on the uterus, abdomen, groin, spine, shoulders and thighs. This asana improves digestion and relieves constipation.

Shashankasana for menstrual pain child pose with knees outward

That's how it's done: Kneel on the yoga mat and sit on your heels. Then bring your knees wide apart, your toes touch. Bend your body forward until your forehead is on the floor. The arms come forward stretched. The shoulders drop down. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Remain in this position for at least 30 seconds.


2. Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)

Exercise against menstrual pain

Standing prevention is often done as part of the sun salutation routine and is considered a relaxing and stress relieving asana. Uttanasana stretches the hamstrings and calves and brings flexibility to the spine and pelvis.

That's how it's done: The feet can touch or be hip-wide apart. Imagine that your pool is a bowl of water. Bend forward so that the water flows out of the bowl. Take a deep breath and put your hands over your head. As you exhale, drop your upper body forward, your arms hang loosely. Hold on a minute.

3. The lying butterfly / the lying goddess (Supta Baddha Konasana)

The lying butterfly the lying goddess Supta Baddha Konasana

The lying butterfly is another relaxing yoga exercise that also opens your hips. This asana relaxes and calms the mind. The muscle group, which is called the hip flexor, is also tense. The exercise can also relieve symptoms associated with pregnancy. For support you can place a pillow lengthways behind your sit bones.

Yoga exercise for menstrual pain The lying butterfly

That's how it's done: Lie on the mat with your back. The legs are loosely angled. Now let your knees fall to one side. The soles of the feet are closed to each other. Place your arms relaxed with your palms up next to you. If you are unable to rest your knees on the mat, no problem. The goal is to stay in the pose for 5 to 10 minutes while gravity deepens your stretch.

4. The grasshopper (Salabhasana)

Yoga for menstrual pain The grasshopper pose

The grasshopper is a whole-body exercise that intensifies the pressure on the stomach and thus improves digestion. The exercise strengthens the back and trunk muscles and thus improves the mobility of the spine. Many everyday activities (such as sitting) bend the spine while the grasshopper posture extends it. It opens your chest, which can be helpful to improve your posture. This will also help you breathe better, which can be energizing. This posture tightens core muscles, glutes, hamstrings, adductors and calves.

Yoga exercise for menstrual pain The grasshopper

That's how it's done: Start from the prone position. As you inhale, lift your upper body and legs evenly off the floor. Pull your arms a little towards your hips. Hold the position as long as you can comfortably. When you exhale, put your legs down again.

5. The crouch (Malasana)

Yoga exercise for menstrual pain Squatting Malasana

The deep squat opens the hips and relieves pain in the groin area while stretching and strengthening the feet and ankles. While crouching is a matter of course for children and is used as a resting position in many places on earth, most adults in today's modern world have abandoned this habit. Many people find squatting extremely uncomfortable for their hips and feet.

That's how it's done: First, crouch down. The entire surface of the feet is parallel to each other on the floor. Keep your torso and shoulders at a 90 degree angle. Open your thighs so that there is a space between them. As you exhale, lean forward and bring your upper body into the free space. Now bring your hands together in front of your heart and press your elbows against the inside of your thighs. Take a stable position where you stay for 15 to 20 seconds.

6. The bow (Dhanurasana)

Exercises for menstrual pain The bow Dhanurasana

The bow pose (Dhanurasana) is a yoga exercise that gently massages the abdominal muscles, thereby relieving period pain. It is one of the 12 basic hatha yoga poses. When you lift your torso up and back, your chest opens and your back is stretched deep. This posture is a great way to stretch your back after a long day of work. This yoga pose also opens the neck, shoulders and stomach. Dhanurasana improves flexibility in the back and promotes balance in the trunk and chest.

That's how it's done: Lie flat on your stomach on the mat. Arms bent at chest level. Now bend your knees to your buttocks and bring your arms to your legs. Grasp your bonds with your hands. As you breathe in, lift your chest off the floor and slowly rock back and forth. After about 10 breaths, release the grip and relax your body.

Hatha yoga pose bow massages the stomach

The most important thing to keep in mind: listen to what your body tells you and only do the yoga exercises that feel comfortable to you. Every body is different, and what works for some people may not work for others. Be gentle with yourself and do everything slowly. The period is bad for women, but hopefully gentle yoga will make it more bearable.

You should avoid these yoga exercises during your period

Avoid reverse postures such as handstands during periods

While there are certain yoga poses that can help with period pain, there are also ones that you should avoid during your period. Many yoga textbooks and yogis advise against doing postures like head or forearm stand during these days. This includes poses such as the bridge and the seated spine rotation.

do not do reversals during periods

When you lie on your back and swing your feet above your head, you are paving the way for the energy that flows from your Mooladhar chakra (the uterus) to your Manipur chakra (the navel), which is exactly the opposite of your body is during the period. There is no medical reason to avoid this pose, but it's an asana that may build up excess heat around your pelvic area and generally lead to more discomfort.

Leaning your legs against a wall ensures relaxation in the pool

Regardless of whether you are a beginner or advanced in yoga, you should not strain yourself too much during the period. If you are looking for an alternative, just lie on your back and lean your legs against a wall, hips are on the floor. You will still feel relaxation in the lower back without being too intense.

Avoid sitting spine rotation during the period

The seated spine rotation can be over-stimulating for the abdominal area, especially if you do the full version of the exercise. It puts pressure on your entire pelvic region and pulls it together tightly. This could also be quite painful if you are already feeling menstrual cramps. While this posture has so many benefits for the back and shoulder girdles, it can cause abdominal pain.

Avoid the bridge pose of yoga during period

The bridge stretches the pelvis high into the air, forcing you to stretch your entire core and anterior hip region violently – this would be painful for your ovaries. Many practitioners also completely forget to breathe while maintaining this posture. So if you want to do a back arch, choose the arch pose – Dhanurasana instead.

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