Build your own dog toilet: advantages and simple DIY instructions!

Cats go to the litter box at home and dogs do their “business” outdoors – that's how we all know it. But a dog toilet for at home is useful not only as an education for small puppies, which you want to get house-trained. Large or older dogs and their owners can also benefit from this in a wide variety of situations. Whether made of real or artificial grass, sand, for the garden or the balcony – there are an incredible number of ways in which you can make your four-legged friend's life easier. In this article we will show you how to easily build a dog toilet yourself and explain the advantages it brings.

Dog toilet for puppy dog ​​training tips get house trained dog

It is raining or snowing outside and now you have to go for a walk with the dog – every dog ​​owner knows that. Then we have the right solution for you. Even if the dog toilet cannot replace a walk, it is an excellent alternative in some exceptional cases. This way you ensure that your dog can do its “business” without ruining the carpet or floor in your home.

In what situations does a dog toilet make sense?

dog toilet for puppy dog ​​training tips

A dog always has to rely on its owner to run it regularly. If he is properly brought up, he will get used to adapting his “business” to the walks and doing them outdoors. However, sometimes you or the dog may not be able to walk the dog. In these cases, a dog toilet can only be an advantage. This is approximately the case in the following situations:

  • For sick dogs who suffer from gastrointestinal infections and cannot always control their gait.
  • For freshly operated and weakened dogs that are not allowed to move much for a few days.
  • Smaller dog breeds or those without an undercoat freeze quickly and are reluctant to go outside in the cold and wet or have problems with loosening.
  • Such a toilet would also make sense for older dogs.

And it's so easy to build a dog toilet for yourself at home

Build your own dog toilet out of grass

Hundeklos is now available on the market in all possible designs and sizes, but these are usually nothing cheap. Building a dog toilet yourself costs a lot less or if you already have the necessary materials at home – nothing! You have to decide for yourself whether you fill it with gravel, lawn, stones or sand. Each material has different maintenance requirements. You have to water and care for real grass every now and then. In contrast, artificial turf and stones have to be cleaned every couple of days. Below you will find instructions for dog toilets with artificial turf that are perfect for the home and garden.

Required materials:

  • 4 boards for a wooden box or if you are not particularly skilled at crafting – there is a large selection of ready-made models in every well-stocked hardware store
  • High-quality sealing film for waterproof lining of the wooden box
  • 1 drip tray
  • A small roll of artificial turf

Build your own dog toilet. Design your dog toilet area in the garden

Step by step instructions:

  • If you have decided on the DIY variant – first build a suitable wooden box from the boards.
  • Line the box with the sealing film and place the drip tray on it.
  • Finally, roll out the artificial turf and cut it off. Make sure that everything is completely covered. And your dog toilet for home or the garden is ready.

It works quickly and just as well with a shoe mat

Smart brown poodle dog pooping into toilet bowl

Build a dog toilet yourself for less than 10 euros and without having to cut wooden boards? Yes, you can with a normal shoe mat!

For this you will need the following:

  • A normal shoe mat / shoe tray
  • artificial grass
  • sealing film
  • Decorative garden fence or other decorative elements

Instructions for building a dog toilet yourself:

  • Line the shoe mat with the sealing film.
  • Lay artificial turf on it.
  • Attach the garden fence on one side and design it with other decorative elements as you wish.

Create a dog toilet in the garden

Making the garden dog-friendly Building a dog toilet yourself is easy

All dog owners who have their own garden can really count themselves lucky. There, the four-legged friend can sniff, play or relax in his doghouse. But if he can do his business outside, it would make sense to consider putting on a dog toilet. To help your dog get used to it faster, we recommend that you choose an area in which he has already done his business. It is very helpful if you leave him on a leash for the first few days and lead him to the chosen corner. Materials such as sand, earth and lawn are suitable as surfaces.

Cleaning and care tips

how to get house trained dog training tips

Proper care and regular cleaning of the dog toilet are essential to avoid an unpleasant smell in your home.

  • Cleaning the dog toilet from artificial turf – Empty the drip tray and rinse thoroughly with soap and warm water. Allow to dry completely and only then reassemble. The artificial turf must be replaced every 2 months.
  • The only disadvantage of a dog toilet made from real lawn is that you have to water and cut it regularly.
  • If you have chosen litter or sand, we recommend that you change it every 10 to 14 days.

german shepherd puppy dog ​​toilet build big dogs yourself

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