40+ funny sayings about Covid-19 as status for social media or to send

The right humor makes some difficult situations much more bearable. Quarantine during the corona epidemic is no exception. No wonder that more and more jokes arise and humorous and funny sayings about the corona virus are made up. Of course, they are mainly distributed on the Internet – not only because it is part of everyday life nowadays, but also because the Internet is currently one of the few ways to stay in touch with friends and relatives and to stay socially active at all.

Funny sayings - How funny it would be if there were a product recall for pasta

If you also need a few laughs, take a look at our gallery, where you can read and download numerous funny sayings and pictures for free. Or just send it on and share your fun with anyone else to make isolation a little more enjoyable.

Funny sayings to laugh about Covid-19

Wash your hands like washing Jason Momoa

While some view the pandemic with humor, others find the jokes inappropriate. After all, many suffer from the infection or even die. However, psychologists agree that using humor in difficult times is something completely natural. “We have to make stupid corona jokes because it makes the situation more bearable for us,” says psychologist Sebastian Bartoschek. According to him, humor is the last thing that remains for humans and even during the Holocaust the prisoners are said to have told jokes.

Short funny sayings as status for social media - Finally everyone is washing their hands

“If you can't do anything, you can at least make fun of it. This puts you above the subject of your fear and takes away some of the terror, ”explains Bartoschek. So there is absolutely nothing bad about it and should not be considered disrespectful at all.

“Laughter is a symbol of hope”

Funny sayings about the coronavirus - idiotism spreads faster

“It is more than just medicine. It's survival, ”says Erica Rhodes, a Los Angeles comedian. “Laughter is a symbol of hope and it becomes one of life's greatest needs, along with toilet paper. It is a physical need that people have. You shouldn't underestimate how it can heal people and give hope. ”

Funny saying about Covid and the song kissing forbidden by the princes

Loretta LaRoche, stress management consultant, says: “There is so much fear and horror out there. Washing your hands won't make your thoughts clearer. Some people say it's not the right time to laugh. But the truth is that there is always time to laugh. ”And according to this motto, LaRoche also uses humor to help people cope with the fear that caused the pandemic.

This moment when everything suddenly stops, when you cough in times of Covid-19

Funny sayings about the corona virus are not only normal, but good for your health, because they lower the stress level and this has been investigated several times in various studies. Especially those who are struggling with more or less great fear should learn to handle things a little more relaxed and also relax. Short, funny sayings and jokes like those from our gallery are wonderfully suited for this purpose.

Funny sayings for Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram and other social media

Those who have made themselves up and want to be noticed can just sneeze at the cash register

It doesn't matter whether you are looking for funny status sayings for Whatsapp or want to share them with your friends in another way. You can send, publish or even print out the images from our gallery as you like.

Send funny sayings - advice hotline on the Corona virus

How about, for example, if you print or copy your favorite sayings and jokes and attach them to a pin board directly above your workplace? Now that you probably have to work from home, funny sayings about the corona virus could loosen up the atmosphere a little and at least occasionally make the tense mood a little more pleasant.

Here are other examples of the funniest sayings about Covid-19:

Cool, funny sayings

Funny Whatsapp status sayings - Germany saves us with the corona tax

Funny pictures and sayings

After only 2 days of Corona quarantine, I have already consumed the entire supply

Funny saying about the millennium generation

Funny sayings - The millennium generation usually vs. when a virus breaks out

The good thing about Corona is that Greta is no longer reported

The good thing about Corona is that you don't hear anything more about Greta Thunberg

The motto of our time

The motto of our time - Avoid positive people with smiley as a picture

Funny Status Sayings – Can I Have Fun?

Irony of life as a joke - 2020 is fun last

Funny good morning sayings

Funny sayings in English about Covid - Lyme Disease fits Corona

If the food from the snack bar tastes different than usual …

If the food from the snack bar does not taste as usual, it is because the staff washes their hands

Masks and gloves its sufficient for the supermarket – you lied!

It was said that the mask and gloves were sufficient for the supermarket, but they lied - everyone else also wore clothes

English sayings about hamster purchases

English saying - In my day, we only panicked when the bartender called the last round

The moment when a bank robbery is better than an infected person

That moment when a bank robbery is better than corona infected people

Strengthen the immune system with vitamins from salmon gums

Strengthen the immune system with the vitamins from laughing rubber - funny sayings for those with a sweet tooth

Sayings & funny pictures to send – A virus made in China cannot last long

The Corona virus will not stay long because it is made in China

Corona didn't interest me until …

Funny sayings about Covid-19 - Corona didn't worry me until the government said it had everything under control

T-Rex died out because he couldn't wash his hands

Funny sayings about Corona and T-Rex - The dinosaur went extinct because he couldn't wash his hands

Saying for beer connoisseurs

Funny sayings about the Mexican Corona beer and Oettinger

Funny, short sayings

Funny sayings to laugh about Corona - woman with toilet paper looking for man with noodle

How to get three free seats for yourself on the plane

Funny WhatsApp status sayings - I got three places by coughing on the plane

Saying that alludes to The Walking Dead

Formulate and send Corona sayings in a funny way - idea alluding to The Walking Dead

German women know worse than Covid-19

Funny sayings about Corona and women - Most of them have experienced worse things like the Wendler

Corona Matata

Funny pictures and sayings - Corona Matata alluding to the Lion King

Coughing on the train causes panic

Joke about the Corona Virus - Two friends on the bus

Joke about doctor and patient

Joke about Corona diagnosis - patient demands second opinion and is offended

We're not going to die from Corona, we're going to die of hunger for the hamster purchases

We're not going to die from Corona, we're going to starve to death because of the hamster purchases

I'm afraid of Corona – Then drink Becks

Short saying for Whatsapp, Facebook or Instagram - I'm afraid of Corona, then drink Becks

Humorous saying for parents

Funny saying for parents - buy alcohol because the children are now at home

Announcement by the flight captain

Pilot to the passengers - Because of Corona, I work from home today

Formulate witty sayings with dialect

Sarcastic saying with dialect about Wuhan and the corona virus

Sayings to opponents of vaccination – Don’t be a hypocrite

Saying about vaccination opponents - Antivaxxers should not subsequently request the corona vaccine

Funny WhatsApp status sayings – Why “Corona” instead of “Kung Flu”?

Why is it called Corona Virus and not Kung Flu - Funny sayings with pun in English

Nursery rhyme changed over the days of the months to match the theme

Nursery rhyme modified to match the quarantine - how many days do the months have?

Funny sayings and pictures – what is more contagious?

Ironic saying about corona and hysteria - which is more contagious

Corona Virus World Tour 2020 – Sarcastic picture to send to friends

Humorous and funny sayings - Corona World Tour 2020

Day 3 of Quarantine – I have a wife and she seems nice

Yesterday I found a woman on my sofa who is supposed to be my wife - she seems nice

Simply invent a business trip to Wuhan for a seat on the subway

Mention business trip in Wuhan to get a seat on the subway

Commonality of pasta and corona – invented by the Chinese and distributed to the Italians

Commonality of pasta and covid - invented by the Chinese but spread by the Italians

Flirt in 2020

Flirting in 2020 - I want to be in quarantine with you

The post 40+ funny sayings about Covid-19 as status for social media or to send appeared first on Deavita.com | Living ideas, design, hairstyles, make-up, lifestyle, health and beauty tips.