Shower door cleaning - with this means it works best!

Shower door cleaning Lime house furniture Bathroom room cleaning tips

Shower doors, shower enclosures and shower cabinets made of real glass are enjoying greater exposure this year. They look exceptionally noble and provide a bright and friendly atmosphere in the bathroom. However, while the glass looks long and draining for a long time, a good cleaning and care is an absolute must. Asking yourself, how did you best clean your shower door? Which homeowner owns them and can they successfully pre-wash lime coatings and soap residues? The answers to these and many more questions will betray you right in our article!

Shower door cleaning

Pour home remedies against lime in the bathroom shower cubicle from glass

Glass shower cabins look no doubt good, however, they are very cleaning intensive. Soap deposits and lime stains that form on the surfaces can permanently damage the glass door and lead to etchings. If nothing happens, a daily cleaning is necessary.

  • After removing any showers and wiping dry - You probably know this tip and also if you find it too complicated or time-consuming - it pays off in any case! Actually, the whole thing doesn't last more than 5 minutes - all you have to do is, with a plunger, clean the glass walls and then wipe off with a microfiber cloth. In this way, there are no lime deposits.
  • Use laundry detergent - Have you ever heard of the lotus effect? It makes sure that water drops are much lighter from the shower walls and in this way set fewer soap residues. The possibilities that you achieve this effect are infinitely many - it offers many detergents on the market with a water-repellent effect. Do you prefer to be environmentally friendly? Then you could clean your shower door by cleaning the surfaces with half a potato.
  • After every shower that opens the door - When you aerate the bathroom after the shower, you will enjoy the formation of mold.

Clean the shower door with lemons

Shower cubicle using home remedies against lime in the bathroom

If your life gives you lemons, use them to clean your glass shower door. The citrus fruit is a true connoisseur in the household and as a bonus it is heavenly good.

Here's what you need:

  • 3-4 lemons - no matter how big the shower door is.
  • One spray bottle
  • Distilled water
  • Mikrofasertuch

And that's how it was made:

  • Squeeze the juice out of the lemons and add them to the spray bottle with the distilled water.
  • The bottle should shake well and inspect the shower door with the solution.
  • Leave for about 5 minutes to let go and wipe off with a plunger.
  • Next, polish the surface with a microfiber cloth.

Clean glass shower door with vinegar

Shower Glass Putting Lime Shower Cabin Out Of Glass Bathroom Fixture Trends

Did you have to fight it with some stubborn limescale in your bathroom? Essentially, it gives in every household and is one of the best home remedies at the shower door.

What you need:

  • One spray bottle
  • Vinegar and water in a 1: 3 ratio
  • A sponge
  • A soft cloth

Here's how:

  • Mix the vinegar and water together and put in the spray bottle.
  • Spray the glass door with the vinegar solution and let it work for at least 15 minutes. For stubborn stains, we would recommend a stirring time of about 25 to 30 minutes.
  • Finally, lightly and gently scrub with the sponge and then wipe off with the cloth.

With Weichspüler cleaning the shower door?

Bathroom modernly furnished living room shower cubicle glass

The soft-touch pupil is by no means aggressive, smells attractive and provides a beautiful shine in your bathroom. And so you can clean your shower door from glass:

  • Fill a small bucket with warm water and add some soft water.
  • The mixture with a microfiber cloth on the glass door and thoroughly distort.
  • Drizzle with a clean kitchen towel.

Clear pupils provide a clean and shiny shower cubicle

Shower door clean lime small bathroom modern furnishings Tips

Since the original dishwashing machine contains about 10 percent citric acid, you can easily remove lime stains and soap residues in your shower. Here's how:

  • For stubborn stains, simply rub the surfaces directly with the clearing student, lubricate for about 10-15 minutes, and then rinse with cold water and polish with a microfiber cloth.
  • If you only want to eliminate light and fresh dirt residues, then the clear pupil with clean water is missing in a 1: 3 ratio. Wipe off the shower door with the solution, let it work for 10 minutes and then rinse it off with clear water and polish it with a soft cloth.

There is everything in the house - cleaning the shower door with cleaning stone

Shower glass put home furniture bathroom modern upgraded living trends

Wash basin, stainless steel, rugs, cooking fields and garden furniture - the plaster stone is a real all-round in the household and you can also clean your shower door from glass and remove the lime stains successfully. So it is applied:

  • The tiled sponge lightly moistens and then rubs over the plaster stone. Squeeze the sponge several times, and then gently drive in the dirty sets. Let work for 10 minutes and rinse with clear water. Finally, wipe off with a clean, dry cloth.

With the steam cleaner that combats stubborn stains

Shower door cleaning home furniture tips bathroom decor modern

Also, if you regularly clean your bathroom, a basic cleaning of the shower cabin is necessary once a month. Therefore, it possesses a steam cleaner perfectly, even the difficult accessible corners are accessible with the corresponding essay. The only thing you should consider is a high vapor temperature - just so you successfully remove all the bacteria and get the shower door shiny clean.

Shower door cleaning Hausmittel Tips Bathroom Bathroom trends 2019

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