13 tips for better work from home due to corona virus

With more and more companies adopting a work-from-home policy due to the proliferation of COVID-19, employees are now tasked with trying to be just as productive without their normal resources and routines. While working from home sounds like a luxury in theory, it's certainly not a vacation, and being productive is difficult for many.

These tips will help you stay productive and healthy

Working from home on the PC Motivated and productive

How much work everyone will do will vary depending on career type, employer, and company policy, but there are some core strategies that could help all of us do our jobs efficiently. Here are the best tips for working from home.

Stick to your routine.

Working from home tips dress appropriately

Just because you are not going to an office does not mean that you should prepare for the working day. Wake up at your normal time, shower and put on real clothes (no pajamas!). It may sound trivial, but it helps you mentally prepare for the day ahead and adjust your mindset to this new situation.

It is also helpful to keep a fixed schedule. If you usually work from eight to five, do it at home. It's easy to lose track of time, and if you don't stick to a typical work-life balance, you can end up with a burnout.

Create a job

Work comfortably from home

Even if it is tempting to stay in bed or sit on the sofa, those who work successfully from home agree that it is best to set up a job. If you don't have a desk, use your dining room table. This not only gives you the feeling that you are in an “office”, but also helps you to maintain good posture, avoid distractions and do your job effectively.

Don't just sit there all day

Working from home working on pc

Sitting all day is not healthy, even when you are in the office. If you work from home, you don't have to go to work and you have fewer reasons to get up from your chair. You can invest in a standing desk if you prefer to work standing. Otherwise, you should get up regularly to stretch or move. After every hour of concentrated work, you can take a 10 minute break.

If you've gained an extra hour or two of shuttling back and forth between work and home, this is a good opportunity to exercise by either exercising at home or taking an outdoor walk. A stroll during lunch break can also make you feel good and refresh your head.

Get some fresh air

Get some fresh air during your lunch break

Because experts advise limiting contact with sick people, and many companies are asking their employees to work from home. So you will probably spend a lot of time in the house. Open your windows to let in as much natural daylight and fresh air as possible. Take short walks, but avoid social contacts. Be sure to wash your hands as soon as you return home.

Keep in touch with your colleagues

Working from home during coronavirus outbreak video conferencing with colleagues

If you work in a team, you should hold meetings regularly and work effectively together, just like in the office. Create to-do lists to keep yourself organized and focused, and let your manager know the status of your lists so they know you have your work under control. In addition to communication via email and messaging programs, it is a good idea to make regular phone calls or video conferences using Skype or FaceTime.

Fight the urge to multitask

Woman cleans up at home and makes the bed

This seems like a good time to do the housework, but it's easier than you'd expect to get distracted. Now is not the time to clean up or do laundry. There is nothing wrong with taking a little break, but don't let yourself be distracted by the housework. You wouldn't do that if you were at work.

Woman in the kitchen prepares the food

The same goes for other distractions at home. If you have prepared your meals or snacks for the office the previous evening, you should do so now so that you do not spend too much time in the kitchen. You probably don't watch TV at work in the office, so try not to leave the TV on, even if it's just running in the background.

If you have children, prepare for disorders

(youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mh4f9AYRCZY)

It is difficult enough to get the job done when you have children at home, but it is even more difficult with babies and toddlers. Still, having a plan in advance and having some flexibility is not impossible. Here are tips from parents who master the challenge of working from home:

Get help if you can

It may not be the best choice for your family with social distancing advice, but if you have someone who can help you (e.g. a family member who can stay isolated with you), you will be able to do most of the work.

Share the responsibilities with the parent partner

Alternate with the partner between looking after the children and work. When you work, hide in another room so your kids don't know you're there.

Working from home with children

Adapt your working hours to your family

If your job allows – especially for companies that are more lenient with COVID-19 – try to get the job done while your baby or toddler is sleeping, e.g. in the early morning, at midday and at night. This is not ideal, but you will be more productive if you have time for yourself.

Explain the situation

It is a good idea to talk to your children about the corona virus, especially older children who can better understand the effects of the virus on your life.

Working from home to keep kids busy with toys

Try new activities

Funny toys and games with which the children have not yet played will keep them entertained for longer. Time-consuming projects such as handicrafts, stickers, puzzles and Legos will surely give you some time.

Set limits for your children when you work from home

Set limits

In addition to communicating with your colleagues, it is important to set limits for your children when you work from home, especially when they are of school age.

At the moment, it could be helpful to allow your children to watch more TV and play more games than usual to keep them busy. In this case you have to explain to your children that this is a special situation and that this freedom does not last forever.

You must have a place in the house where you can be undisturbed and calm. This can be your bedroom, your dressing room, a guest room or your basement.

Think of a signaling system to show your kids when you really don't need to be interrupted. For example, you can make a red stop sign and a green start sign for your home office door. If the child sees a stop sign, it will know that it should not come in unless it is urgent. If the green sign is there, it can go straight in. “Thumbs up, thumbs down” signs are also OK.

The post 13 tips for better work from home due to corona virus appeared first on Deavita.com | Living ideas, design, hairstyles, make-up, lifestyle, health and beauty tips.