Why oxygen in the air is not driven by the Amazon fires

The Amazon River and the rainforest have their own ecosystems and unique plants and animals

The fires in the Amazon rainforest are currently a major issue and worry the population worldwide. Eventually, do they affect future oxygen production, or not? The Amazon is regularly referred to as "the lungs of the world". Thus, it should account for more than 20% of worldwide oxygen production. As Professor Scott Denning has just explained, this does not seem to agree. It is about a false statistic, which is disseminated among others in the news, social media and even about politicians like French President Emmanuel Macron. To explain the truth, the professor of atmospheric sciences on the site "The Conversation" explains how the natural production of oxygen works. And, as it stands, the plants on the earth are by no means the only and most important source of fresh oxygen in the air.

Oxygen in the Air - The Amazon rainforest is still not the lungs of the world

The Amazon rainforest has not been a problem since the fires last weeks. In the year 2004, 80% of the rain forest was destroyed. This is disturbing and even alarming in many ways. The oxygen in the air is not affected by anything but large. Most disturbing is that the living space is endangered and destroyed by many plant species and living creatures, which can only be found in this forest. These again contain a significant stockpile of carbon and other organic substances, which would trigger a climate crisis.

Where does oxygen get in the air?

Oxygen in the air is mainly from the oceans and not many are missing from the forests

Basically, all the oxygen in the air we need for breathing comes from the oceans. Oxygen is also available in such a large amount that we could live for millions of years. Scott Denning explains: "Many elements, including oxygen, were interchanged between the ecosystems and land, in the oceans and the atmosphere in a way and ways that could be measured and determined in their quantity."

Oxygen in the air from the forests and land

Oxygen, which is produced from plants and land, is consumed by organisms

Almost the entire amount of oxygen in the air is produced by the photosynthesis of the plants, a third of photosynthesis and land again in the rainforests and the bulk of the Amazon basin. So the statements were yes, yes, you might think. However, you should know that any oxygen generated in the air, any year based on photosynthesis and land, cannot be exploited until humans can be used. Instead, it is consumed by the living organisms and by the fires. The community is home to insects, bacteria and other organisms that form their own ecosystem and feed on decaying leaves, branches, roots and other debris. This also consumes natural oxygen. In the forest, though, there is plenty of oxygen, but also much consumed, there remains a lot of excess oxygen excess. In the end, the net oxygen content of the forests and land thus lies at about zero.

Oxygen from the oceans

Algae in the lakes and oceans provide oxygen surplus here with photosynthesis

Oxygen in the oceans and lakes produces tiny algae, and so do plants. However, the same diesel procedure is found, as in land: Microorganisms decompose plant waste and consume again the oxygen produced. For this reason, this process must be interrupted, resulting in an excess of oxygen. This happens when the algae waste reaches the seabed, where it is not decomposed by organisms, without being buried. It does not generate oil or gas except before the death of algae from the oxygen produced in it can enter the atmosphere, since it is not consumed by microorganisms.

Oxygen in the air is not driven by the fires in the Amazon

Also, the oxygen produced directly in the algae's water surface can escape into the atmosphere and oxygen is collected in the air. As these predecessors have been preparing for millions of years and are repeating themselves, a vast stockpile is being prepared in the atmosphere that can benefit living beings on earth even for a very long time.

Atmophenic scientist Scott Denning refutes popular These about the rainforest in South America

Oxygen from the atmosphere to the earth's surface is due to various chemical reactions of metals, sulfur and other elements. For example, in the reaction of iron and oxygen in a humid environment, which is called oxidation and arises in the well-known rust, the levels of oxygen in the atmosphere are equalized.


The fires in the Amazon Forest drove the Flora and the Fauna, but not the oxygen crowd

Therefore, we read that we are completely and not dependent on oxygen in the air produced by the forests, depending on it. So even if it suddenly and all disappeared at once, it would disappear with just about 1% of the oxygen worldwide. Of course, this does not mean, of course, that the fires and the deforestation of the forests are nevertheless worrying. This endangers many species of animals and plants and destroys entire ecosystems. The animals in the Amazon are just one example, the other forests have been grazed and the animals there are those who hunt or even kill the Amazon animals. And that's basic enough to fight today.

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