Plank Training and Plank Challenge 30 days for more variety in your training routine!

Incredibly exhausting, but also incredibly effective – the Plank exercise is undoubtedly one of the best basic exercises for a whole body workout without weights. This not only stresses the abdominal area, but also strengthens the leg, buttocks, back, shoulder and trunk muscles at the same time. In addition, the many plank variants provide enough variety so that it never gets boring. Since holding a normal plank for several minutes is not particularly fun, we show you another variation for the Plank Challenge 30 days in this article. Every day there is a new movement that builds on the last one. You'll also do a combination of these moves at the end of each week for a plank workout that boosts your strength and endurance.

Plank training plan Whole body training plan without weights side planking

When the sports scientist Daniel Malik from Austria called for a Plank Challenge 30 days on social media in 2015, the event went viral and more than 600,000 people took part. Since then, the forearm support has become an indispensable part of many athletes' training. Regular planks strengthen our center, improve our balance, improve posture and help us achieve better performance in other sports.

Plank training – that's what the Plank Challenge looks like for 30 days

Plank Challenge 30 days fitness exercises at home forearm support execution

Before we start with the Plank exercise variants, we must first mention that the Plank Challenge is not a fitness miracle weapon in itself. Without a healthy and balanced diet, you won't get muscular or a flat stomach. Rather, this plank training is about challenging ourselves and our bodies every day and slowly getting better step by step.

  • Day 1 – On the first day you start with the classic low plank. Place your elbows with your legs straight under your shoulders, tense your stomach and keep your body in a straight line. Do 3 sets of 45 seconds each.
  • Day 2 low side plank – Lie on your side and lift your hips off the floor until your body forms a straight line. Extend your upper arm up, hold for 45 seconds, and then switch sides. That counts as 1 set – do 3 sets per 45 seconds.

Tighten your body in 30 days with the Plank Challenge

Plank exercise execution training plan home workout with own weight

  • Day 3 – classic high plank. Just like the Low Plank, except that you stretch your arms out. Do 3 sets for 45 seconds each.
  • Day 4 – high side plank. Start in a high plank and turn right. Extend your left arm up and hold for 45 seconds. Then go back to the high plank and repeat with the left side. Do 3 sentences.
  • Day 5 – low plank with knee taps – Take a classic low plank position and alternately move your knees towards the floor. Tense your stomach and make sure you don't touch the floor. Do 3 sets of 45 seconds each.

Side plank belly workout plan home workout dead weight

  • Day 6 – High plank with shoulder contact. Start in a high plank and tense your stomach. Alternately tap on the left shoulder with the right hand and with the left – on the right. Make sure that the body remains stable and that you do not sway back and forth. Do 3 sets of 45 seconds each.
  • Day 7 – dynamic plank. Start in the low plank position and tense your stomach. Then raise your hands and go to the high plank position. Do 3 sets of 60 seconds each.
  • Day 8 – combination. Take the low plank position and move your knees to the floor once. Go into the high plank, touch the shoulder and return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 45 seconds each.

The different variants provide more variety

Plank variants full body workout with own weight fitness for home

  • Day 9 – push-up plank. Take the push-up position, pull in your stomach and hold the position for 3 seconds. Do 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps each.
  • Day 10 – Low Plank Training with Hip Dips – Start in the low forearm support and alternately raise and lower your hips to the right and left. Make sure that you do not touch the floor. Do 3 sets for 45 seconds.
  • Day 11 – plank jacks. It starts in the high plank pose. Now hop with your feet a little wider than your hips, without the buttocks protruding beyond the height of your shoulders. Do 3 sets for 60 seconds.
  • Day 12 – Side plank with hip dips. Go into the low side plank and stretch your upper hand up. Slowly lower your hips as far down as possible and then return to the starting position. Continue for 60 seconds and repeat the process on the other side. Do 3 sentences.

Plank Challenge 30 Day Forearm Support Benefits Home Workout Training Plan

  • Day 13 – mountain climbers. Start from the high plank position and alternately pull your legs towards your chest. Do 3 sets of 60 seconds each.
  • Day 14 – Low Plank Crunches. Take the low forearm support. Pull right knee towards right elbow and hold for 3 seconds. Return to the starting position and bring the right knee to the outside of the left elbow and hold for 3 seconds. Do 3 sets of 60 seconds each.
  • Day 15 – combination. Make 2 dynamic planks, bring each knee to the opposite elbow and do 5 plank jacks. Do 3 sets of 8 to 10 repetitions.
  • Day 16 – X Plank. Start in the classic low plank position. Place your arms a little wider than shoulder width and your legs hip width. With this plank workout, your body must look like an X from above. Do 3 sets for 30 seconds.

Full body exercises with dead weight plank training plan

  • Day 17 – panther plank. Go into the quadruped position, with your arms under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Tense your stomach, keep your back straight and raise your knees about 2 centimeters above the floor. Hold the position for 75 seconds and do 3 sets.
  • Day 18 – combination. Take a right side plank with your feet on top of each other and your left hand behind your head. Slowly turn your left elbow down to your right shoulder and lift your left leg slightly. Repeat the process for 45 seconds and switch sides. Do 3 sentences.
  • Day 19 – high walk plank. It starts in the high plank position. Pull in the navel, tighten your buttocks and move your hands forward as far as possible. Hold for 45 seconds and do 3 sets.
  • Day 20 – side plank training with leg raises. Lie on your right side and lift your hips off the floor. Raise the left leg and lower it again. Repeat for 45 seconds and switch sides. Do 3 sentences.

Dead weight full body training fitness exercises at home plank training

  • Day 21 – combination. Take the Patnher-Plank position. Slowly move the body to the right by simultaneously sliding your right hand and right foot a few inches to the right, followed by the left hand and left leg. Move right for 15 seconds and then left for 15 seconds. Continue for 75 seconds and do 3 sets.
  • Day 22 – Dynamic side plank with crunches. Stand on your right side. Lower your hips down twice and lift your left leg twice as well. Then make two side crunches and repeat 5 to 8 times. Do 3 sentences per page.
  • Day 23 – high plank with push-up and rotation. Pass from the high plank to the side plank. Extend your right arm up, return to the starting position and do a push-up. Repeat the plank training with the left arm. Do 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

Belly legs butt training plan for home plank training

  • Day 24 – low plank with towel. Start in a low forearm support and place your feet on a towel. Then move the body back and forth for 60 seconds. Do 3 sentences.
  • Day 25 – side plank with leg raises and rotation – Lie on your right side and lift your hips off the floor. Now extend your left arm up and under your waist and then lift your right leg from your left. Continue for 60 seconds and switch sides. Do 3 sentences per page.
  • Day 26 – Walk Plank with Towel. Start in the low plank position and place your feet on a towel. Now tense your stomach, keep your back straight and move your elbows 8 “steps” forward and then 8 “steps” backwards. Do 3 sets for 60 seconds each.
  • Day 27 – combination. Stand sideways on your right side with your right leg in front of your left and your left hand behind your head. Now pull the right knee to the left shoulder and return to the starting position. Repeat the plank training for 60 seconds and switch sides. Do 3 sentences.

Plank Challenge Fitness Exercises at Home Whole body training plan with your own weight

  • Day 28 – One-legged high plank with towel. Start in the high plank position and place your right foot on a towel. Pull and hold your left knee towards your chest while moving your right knee towards your chest. Return to the starting position and repeat for 45 seconds. Change legs and do 3 sets.
  • Day 29 – combination. Take the high plank and put your feet on a towel. Walk 4 steps forward with your hands and open your legs wider than your hips. Then go back 4 steps and continue for 60 seconds. Do 3 sentences.
  • Day 30 – Reverse plank with leg raises and crunches. Reverse plank training is also known as reverse forearm support. Place your hands palm down under your shoulders, lift your buttocks and thighs off the floor and push your body up. Stretch your left leg up and pull your knee towards your chest. Return to the starting position and repeat with the right leg. Do 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps.

And how about a plank training plan?

Plank training fitness exercises for home upper body workout plan home workout

It is clear that adding the Plank exercise to your workout routine has a lot of advantages. However, a plank training plan takes less than 20 minutes and is a wonderful option for training all important muscle groups at the same time in a very short time. Complete the following cycle three times a week and take a 30 second break between movements.

  • Classic low plank for 30 seconds
  • Low plank with alternating leg raises with 10 reps per leg
  • High plank with crunches with 10 repetitions per side
  • High side plank with rotation with 6 repetitions per side
  • Plank jacks for 60 seconds

Plank Challenge 30 day upper body workout plan without weights

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