Midsummer Party Celebration: Delicious Swede Recipes and Beautiful Ideas for Summer Thieves

Midsummer Party Delicious Recipes Organize

Last June, the Swedes celebrate that summer sundial with a large midsummer party. The single day of the year, and those suns running around in the runway, word with the friends and the family. Wildflowers graze the most beautiful puristically decorated Tische, which Frauen wear colorful flowers and national traits. You can also play live music, sing songs and travel. Neben Liedern, fun games for the kids and typical Swedish travelers also focus on the essence. The menu is abundant, traditional stone a cucumber salad, a fish soup, buttercups with sprouts, a topping, grilled meatballs and crackers on the tray. A turtle with wild bears belongs to the favorite nightlife of Sweden.

The romantic atmosphere of the Mitsummerfest has made the celebration popular in other countries. Well done in the summer makes it possible for you to organize a midsummer party in your own garden and cross over to those guests with delicious Swedish specialties. We have been able to combine and explain to you more recipes for regenerated dishes. Particularly your only tips for the decoration in Scandinavian style. These ideas were complemented by security.

Swedish Recipes for the Midsummer Party: Gurkenalat

Sweaty Salad Gurks Rote Zwiebel lecker Sommer

The recipe for cucumber salad is, for the most part, easy to see, one of the most delicious.

8 Portions, Ruhezeit total of 3 hours, Labor time 10 minutes.


  • Zutaten:
  • 2 Gurks
  • 1 Rote Zwiebel
  • Kosheer - Salz
  • 1/4 Saure Sahne
  • 2 EL Dill
  • 1 EL Zucker
  • Salz
  • 2 EL Weißweinessig

Zubereitung: Cutting the gorges in ships and the ridge in rings. Then bind the couple in a good Schüssel and stalk my host. About. 2 hours of welding in the glass. Slightly swallowed sahne (as replacement, Crème fraîche), small chopped dill, 1 TL zucker, salt and freshly moistened black pfeffer in a center of Schüssel. About. 2 Electric white blender and all sutures greasy. Falling in adherence, the dressing sugar.

The enclosed corks from the chill hooks and a single abtropfen weld. When worn with the dressing and welded in the hood for more than 30 minutes.

Swedish Recipes for the Midsummer Party: Gluten Free Crackers

Midsummer Party Swedish Recipes Crispbreads delicious

The crispbread is traditionally invested in Sweden as a spring meal with butter and laughter, or served in the fish soup.

8 Servings, Working Time 10 -15 Minutes, Backzeit: 30 Minutes


  • 1 pouch (100 g) Roggenmehl
  • 1 pouch (100 g) Hafer-Mehl
  • 1/3 Bag (50 g)
  • 1/3 Paw (50 g) Sesame joint
  • 1/3 Paw (50 g) The cherubs
  • 2 TL Fenchel comb, ready
  • 1 TL Kreuzkümmelsamen
  • 3/4 TL Meersalz
  • 1/4 Pasta (50 ml) Olive oil
  • 2/3 (150 ml) hot water


The Backofen on 180 degrees Celsius houses. Two big backbags with back paper shy. Put all the bowls in one large bowl, dry thoroughly, touch with olive oil and browse with the water. Gut clean and with the hands form a sphere. Backup paper on the work surface empty. Tilt a dual-stack tile, empty one half on one blue back paper, with another sheet of paper back up and roll out. Carefully penetrate the other Blatt Backa paper, and empty the unwrapped mass on one back. Cut a straight piece and rub with multiple salons. At 180 degrees, there is no traffic in the backs for 20-30 minutes, until the break is brown. Keep an airtight breaker for maximum 5-6 days.

Summer Party: Swedish recipe for delicious fish soups with laughs

Midsummer Fischsuppe Swedish Recipes Menu

The Fischsuppe with Lachs belong to the most popular summer spots in Sweden. Delicious and appealing, so do property as well as spring, as well as canopy.

4 Servings, Working Time: 30 Minutes, Kochzeit: 30 Minutes


  • 300 g Laughter fillet
  • 3 EL ungesalzene Butter
  • 1 larger Lauch
  • 5 Bags Fischbrühe
  • 300 g of potato, peeled and diced
  • 1 carotid, scalloped and castled
  • 1 Tasse Dill, fine hacked
  • 1 Tasse Schlagsahne or Crème fraîche
  • 1/4 TL Spice Mix from Meerrettich, Pfeffer, Rosemary, Salbe and Thymian
  • Salt to the Abschmecken

Midsummer Fischsuppe Rezept Swedisch Vorspeise Party

Zubereitung: Cut the Laughs (Laughing Wheel Nothing Disposable) and cut a large piece. Cut off the leaf-blending with a sharp knife, wipe off all the leaves, wash the Lauch-Poree underneath the laundering water and pull on tupfen on tissue paper. Dann cut the Pore sticks in Ringe.

The butter is melted in a big topf and the cake for 10 minutes is sauteed to low temperatures. Fill in some of the saucepan with 5 bags of water, push the lawnmower and bring the water to the boil. Reduce the heat and weld the skin for more than 10 minutes. The fish loin and the small cut potatoes and carrots can be served with sautéed leaves, with freshly chopped dill and for 10 minutes or until the potatoes are cooked. Pour the lawn into the soup, clean the batter and clean it with the spice mix. In case of heat, welds for ordinary minutes can be purchased, such as hard wearing and salting and dusting.

Swedish Recipes for a Midsummer Party: Färerkartofflen as Beilage or Vorspeise zubereiten

Swede Rezepte Fächerkartoffeln backs Gewürze hasselbackpotatis Mittsummer feiern

Fächerkartoffeln are a beloved Beilage in Sweden. they were served on a grill, soup and main dish with sauce. Inside and down, they were very welcomed, their guests were guaranteed cases.

Servings: 8, Labor Time: 10 Minutes, Backzeit 30 Minutes


  • 24 mittelgroße Kartoffeln, spelled
  • 8 Knoblauchzehen
  • 16 TL Butter, Weigh
  • 16 TL Olive Oil, Extra Virgin
  • 2 TL Rosemary
  • Salz
  • Pfeffer, freshly cooked
  • Parmesan (on Wunsch)


The Backofen houses 220 degrees Celsius. Wash the Kartoffeln and pull on tupfen on paper. Thy shipwires chew on, thinking that the potato in the latter side is interconnected. The Kartoffeln with the single-cut side still left on a backlash. Washing the Knoblauchzehen, tow tupfen and press. Seize potato with knuckle, occupy butterflies and pamper my olive oil. Sprinkle with puffs and rosemary sausages and salt. 40 minutes downhill, until the surface is crushed.

Swedish Recipes for Midsummer Party: Forteortes

Midsummer celebrates the Fifteen-Swedish Swede's Idea

The Fischtort acquires a large popularity in Sweden. In principle, the Forteort, the dort under the Names Smörgåva tart, is known as a belegte Brötchen. Standing tortoises are Breaking a bovine Form baked, standing cream were different Salate zubereity. Perfect for a midsummer party!

8 Portions, Labor Time: 40 Minutes, Back Sea Break: 2 hours, Rest Time: 1 Tag (for break)

Zutaten für das Brot:

  • 600 g Roggenmehl Type 1150
  • 600 g of Weizenmehl
  • 1/3 Tasse Zuckerrübensirup
  • 1,200 L Buttermilch
  • 2.5 Würfel Hefe
  • 300 g Fenchelsamen, Sesamsamen und Leinensamen
  • Butter the Einfetten des Tortenringes

Zutaten für de laachsalat:

  • 300 g of freshly chopped slices, shredded
  • 1/4 Tasse Crème fraîche
  • 3 EL ml Lemon juice, Zitron shells, fine gerbera
  • 3 EL cut, small cut
  • Salz and Pfeffer

Sutats for the Cucumber-Dill-Salad:

  • 1/2 Tasse Rahmkäse, weich
  • 1 large carcasses, rocks and a thin ship
  • Dill, fresh, finely chopped
  • Salz and Pfeffer

Sutures for the egg salad:

  • 6-8 heart-bought eggs
  • 1/4 Tasse Mayonnaise
  • Scale one half Zitrone, fine gerbils
  • 1 EL Parsley, fresh, finely chopped
  • Salz and Pfeffer

Sutures for the torture cow:

  • 1/2 Tasse Rahmkäse, weich
  • 3 to 5 length straightened cars
  • Screens from rotating bait and radish (video editing)

Midsummer Party Swede Recipe Fifteen Lecker Idea

Zubereitung Brot: The break is one day before the party back. A handle with the buttermilch fühlen, the Hefe darin loose. They work together and dry together, enjoy the rye and the meadows and even more. Clean the Zucker tube syrup and process all the dishes into a smooth tea. Laying back a backbone with backing paper, simplifying and deleting the torture. The teige simple and smooth strokes. Abdeck with back paper and close at 160 degrees Celsius for 2 hours back. The fractures from the back are loose, loose from the backform and cut into four ships.

Zubereitung Fischtort: ​​In the next day with the delivery of the laughter room arriving. Mix all Sutates in a small Schüssel, then weld in Kühlschrank abkühlen.

Midsummer Party Swede Recepted Fischtort Smorgastarta Laugh Gurks

For the Egg salad, the hearted egg with a gable fennet will be served. In an enclosure, all other sutures are greasy, then dump the egg and clean. Im welding in the glass.

Done the Gurksalat zubereiten. Easy to clean salt, pfeffer and dust in a socket.

Then a breakaway on a tundish, with the dill and rhythm stripes stretching out and arranging the gurking shacks. Struggle with Dill and empty the second offense ship. You can easily tell the salesman on the break. The shards of Broken-Ship are emptied and the egg-lettuce dries. Empty the last breakaway ships and strike the rest of the rails.

The turret with the roses from rotating bait and radish decorations. Here is a video tutorial, if you got rid of roses.
(youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAgWeXx7jwM)

Swedish Recipes with Meat: Meatballs

Myths are Swedish Fleischbällchen Rezept garnishes

Are you still looking for an alternative to home-grown fish? Meatballs are the most popular Hauptgericht, the traditional for the midsummer party zubereitet. You can grab monkeys that shake flutter as beilage and save time.

8 Servings, Working Time: 40 Minutes, Backzeit 30 Minutes

Zutaten voor de Fleischbällchen:

  • 1 gel bib, small cut
  • 1400 g of Hackfleisch
  • 240 ml Rahmkäse
  • 2 Owner,
  • 1 EL Salz
  • 1 Price Pfeffer
  • 1 Prize Spice Mix for Hackfleisch
  • 3 EL Butter

Sauces for the Sauce:

  • 2.5 Bags Schlagsahne or Crème fraîche
  • 120 ml Rahmkäse
  • Salz and Pfeffer

Zutaten für die Garnitur:

900 g of Blumenkohl

8 EL Preiselbeer or chewed Cranberries

1 TL Honig (on Wunsch)

Zubereitung: Egg eggs and a very good Schüssel. Those others sutaten for those Fleischbällchen dazugeben and gut mingle. The hands with cold water attack and small meatballs shapes. Bone the Butter in a Pfanne and roast the meatballs in middle heat. Optional ones can put Fleischbällchen on one back and at 180 degrees with air for 30 minutes back, until the gold braid.

Mix the Sauce with all the Sutates, mix a pancake with a crunchy olive oil and heat the sauces for 2-3 minutes. Sprinkle with puffs and salt.

Wash the flower cool and cut a fair piece. Fill topf with water and bring water to cooking. Soak the flower keel and cook until it is gone. Remove salt.

Pouring the prey into one pfanne, pulling 3-4 TL water and bringing it to the boil. Reduce the heat and weld for 10 minutes.

Swedish Recipes for the Midsummer Party: Erdbeertorte

Midsummer Party Recipes Swedish Erdbeertorte

No Midsummer Party is Completely Complete! We have a delicious recipe for fruity tart, perfect for the summer season.

Servings: 8-10, Labor Time: 20 Minutes, Backzeit: 30 Minutes, Ruhezeit: 1 Hour

Zutaten für den teig:

  • 230 g unsalted butter, weigh
  • 180 g Zucker
  • 50 g Braunzucker
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 TL Vanilla zucker
  • 345 g Mehl, sibs
  • 1 TL Natron
  • 1/2 TL salt
  • 240 ml Buttermilch
  • Juice and scallops of medium-sized lemon

Sausages for the worst cream:

  • 1/2 Tasse Quark
  • 1 -2 TL Lemon juice
  • 2 bags (300 g)

For the second cream:

  • 224 g Frischkäse, weich
  • 115 g of unsalted butter, weigh
  • 2 TL Crème fraîche or Schlagsahne
  • 1 TL Vanilla zucker
  • 1 Price Salz

Midsummer Rexed Swede Erdbeertorte

Replacement: The Backofen on 180 degree Celsius, two tortures with attachments 23 cm x 5 cm simple and ready to handle. With the hooks a hand mixer that shakes butter shabby. Add egg and vanilla picker and mix in middle cooker hood. Mix in another Schüssel das Mehl, the soda and the salt. Still, even at the steady Rühren, they took care of the piles of eggs. The Buttermilch, the Zitron scales and the zinc lemon juice, and with a hollow rührlöffel clean. Empty the torture rings on backblech. Then the carpet in the tortoises simple, smooth strokes and in the back of the hill for 25 minutes downhill. Renovations and decorations. The torture tubes can be welded at room temperature and then removed from the torture rings.

For the second cream: The frischkäse and the butter with the hand mixer creamy. Dann that suck others down and tear for more than three minutes.

For the first creme: All Zutaten creamy slices.

The earliest tortoises on a tartar plate, with the cream streaking. Who cut in the boat in thin ships and arrange the ships on the cream. Stripped with the second cream. Empty the two tortoises and strip the turtles with the second cream. With hanging decorations and welding at least one hour in the shower.

Midsummer Party Celebration: Decoid

Midsummer Party Wiesenblumen Vasen Table Cow Idea

Midsummer Party Tischdeko Bags bundles Vase puristically

Midsummer Party Table Dress Efeu Wiesenblumen white green

Midsummer Party Tischdeko Idea Wiesenblumen purist Vase

Midsummer Party Woman Blumenkranz tragen The idea

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