Learn to get up early without getting tired with 5 tried and tested strategies

Most often due to stress and anxiety, sleep disorders are a major disadvantage that affects a large number of people around the world when they have to get up early. These conditions are becoming more common. Although you go to bed at the right time and get the right amount of sleep and sleep quality, you are usually tired when you wake up in the morning. To fix this problem, it is better to use some tried and tested methods if you want to get up early and overcome fatigue.

Get up early and be vigilant

Set the alarm early in the morning and still sleep in

Diet is one of the main causes of sleep disorders. There is also scientific evidence that certain foods and beverages can disrupt the digestive system and thereby disrupt sleep. In this context, the consumption of coffee, red wine and chocolate should be avoided before going to bed.

You should not neglect the principles of Feng Shui decoration when optimizing your sleep and getting up early. For the colors in the bedroom, we use a combination of pastel shades such as blue and green, which are known for their ability to create a feeling of serenity and harmony.

drinking coffee to wake up benefits

Sports lessons before going to bed should also be avoided. During physical activities, exciting hormones are released, which have an adverse effect on the quality of sleep. The ideal time to do sports is at least three hours before you lie down. Another way to avoid arousing the body is to avoid drinking coffee and alcohol in the evening.

Prepare the body

Woman stretching getting up early in front of window doing yoga exercises

Preparing to wake up the day before is not always enough. It's also important to use a few good techniques once you get up early. This would be stretching, for example. Yoga and such exercises are another great way to wake up your body and prepare it for your daily activities. Breakfast is usually mandatory and gives us the energy we need to recharge our “batteries” for the day.

Pressing the snooze button is one of the most common mistakes that keep people from getting up early without getting tired. In fact, these are minutes of light sleep that don't leave the body at all. Better put your alarm clock away from the bed. This will force you to stand up to turn off the alarm and not fall asleep the first time you ring the bell.

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