Healthy snacks in the evening – Delicious and healthy ideas for the small hunger in between!

We all know this all too well – dinner is over, you are lying comfortably on the sofa and suddenly your stomach starts to growl. There is enough scientific evidence that eating too late can lead to weight gain. In addition, the classic snacks such as chips, chocolate or biscuits that you grab are anything but healthy, let alone low in calories. It is therefore important to always have tasty and healthier alternatives on hand. Healthy snacks in the evening don't always have to be just fruits or vegetables. In this article, you will find a few ideas that not only taste good, but do not interfere with your diet.

Healthy snacks in the evening nuts suitable for losing weight

A study conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who eat shortly before bed tend to have more body fat. Fortunately, a small, nutritious, and healthy evening snack is usually fine to satisfy your little hunger. Some of these foods even contain compounds that promote sleep and boost fat loss.

Healthy snacks in the evening – what should you pay special attention to?

Granular cream cheese in the evening eat healthy snacks to lose weight

Before we deal with the different healthy snacks for the evening, we will give you some basic rules that you should pay attention to.

  • Are you really hungry? Many people sometimes only eat out of boredom or because they are dehydrated. It is therefore advisable to drink 1 glass of water first and then wait about 15 to 20 minutes. This is how long it takes the brain to find out whether we are really hungry or not.
  • The snacks should not contain more than 200 calories. When the body is at rest, the calories are stored as fat. In addition, even a minimal excess of calories permanently leads to weight gain.
  • Avoid foods that consist of simple carbohydrates and unhealthy fats.

Delicious and healthy snacking – You can eat these foods before going to bed without regrets

Greek yogurt for slimming quick and healthy evening snacks

  • Banana with almond butter – Bananas and almonds are an excellent source of melatonin – a hormone that controls our day-night rhythm and promotes healthy sleep. A medium-sized banana and 1 tablespoon of almond butter taste good and contain only about 165 calories. Another alternative would be apple slices with natural peanut butter without added sugar.
  • Yogurt or granular cream cheese – Yogurt and especially Greek yogurt and low-fat cottage cheese are very rich in the protein casein and calcium. According to the latter studies, consuming casein before bed can help reduce hunger the next day. A 400 gram container of reduced fat yogurt has around 200 calories. It tastes even better if you add 50 grams of berries (approx. 30 calories).

Unprocessed foods can promote sleep and fat loss

Healthy snacks in the evening low-calorie fruit berries benefits

  • A bowl of berries – If you have to satisfy your sweet tooth, then you are best advised with different berries as healthy snacks in the evening. No matter whether raspberries, blueberries, blackberries or strawberries – they are full of fiber and vitamins. Berries are also a fairly low-carb type of fruit, making them great for a low carb diet.
  • Protein smoothie – Eating protein-rich foods in the evening promotes muscle generation and ensures better sleep. For example, mix 200 ml of low-fat milk with about 100 grams of pineapple for a tropical drink with only 160 calories. Milk is also rich in tryptophan – an amino acid used by the body to make melatonin and serotonin.
  • Dark chocolate – If you are really in the mood for some chocolate, the best thing to do is to use dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70%. Although these varieties contain less sugar, they are not particularly low in calories. We therefore recommend that you eat around 40 grams.

Hearty sweets as a healthy alternative to chips and co.

Healthy snacks for evening cheese and crackers for slimming

Watching your favorite series with a bag of chips sounds pretty tempting. Unfortunately, you are not doing anything good for your health or your waist. Here are some ideas for hearty healthy snacks in the evening.

  • Trail mix is simply the perfect combination of sweet and savory. You can buy it ready or make your own mix yourself. Mix your favorite nuts and a few dry fruits of your choice and you will always have the perfect healthy snack at hand.
  • Pistachios have a very high proportion of melatonin compared to other nuts. A serving of 30 grams of peeled pistachios has 160 calories and provides approximately 6.5 milligrams of melatonin.
  • Eggs – Whether hard-boiled, fried or scrambled eggs – egg recipes are very versatile and always provide variety. For example, have some boiled eggs ready in the fridge to satisfy your little hunger in the evening. A large egg has only 70 calories and provides about 6 grams of protein.

healthy snacks in the evening hearty roasted chickpeas in the oven recipe

  • roasted chickpeas are an excellent, low-calorie substitute for chips or similar fatty snacks. They also contain a lot of minerals, vitamins and fiber and are a great source of protein. To do this, drain a can of chickpeas, season with spices of your choice and roast in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
  • Vegetables with a dip is perfect for those who long for something crispy and healthy. Prepare a low-fat dip made from low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese or prepare a guacamole and enjoy it with fresh vegetables of your choice.

Rice cakes Calories Healthy snacks Low-calorie meals in the evening

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