Creative Christmas card Basteln

Attention, Christmas is at your doorstep! Send greeting cards by mail? Nicht bei uns! It is not much nicer to get a loving self-styled Christmas card.

Creative Christmas Card Basteln

Our Tip # 1:

Schicke Weihnachtskarten basteln

Creating Christmas Cards - Schicke Christmas Card


What do you need here?

Tonkarton (In the color Eurer Choice), rhinestones, jewelery stickers, felt-tip pen (can also be called glitter-pen), tweezers.

Step 1: Place your Din-A4 large paper in the center of the longitudinal side

Step 2: 4 draw straight lines with the help of a ruler

Step 3: Draw circles under the line with your hand. Must not be perfect!

Step 4: Decorate the circles with the rhinestones. The stones can be attached easily with the tweezers. Please do not use too much adhesive!

Step 5: Write "Frohe Weihnachten" with a Glitter Pen on the Map

Our Tip # 2:

Rudolph with the red nose Christmas card

Creative Christmas cards basteln- Rudolph


What do you need here?

  • Paper (You can also reuse paper)
  • Felt pin (black, red)

Step 1: Cut out Rudolph heads from paper

Step 2: Draw eyes, nose and antlers. Don't forget that red nose at Rudolph!



Our Tip Number 3:

Christmas cards with Anspitzer remnants

Creating Christmas Cards - Anspitzer-Last Christmas Card


You can literally decorate everything with a postcard. This postcard is the proof. Be creative too!

Our Tip Number 4:

Christmas cards with a wreath

Creative Christmas cards basteln- wreath


Want to make fast and beautiful Christmas cards? You just have to cut out various paper circles. These circles should have different sizes.
Stack the circles in a wreath shape and stick to the sheet. Tie a loop and stick to the wreath. Fertig!

Our Tip Number 5:

Christmas card with gifts decorates

Creative christmas cards making gifts


In this map, you first have to cut out squares from one carton. Stick to the cardboard gift wrap and tie it with a red cord. Make small loops. Finish the "gifts" on the card glue and attach the ribbon with glue.

Our Tip Number 6:

Christmas card with classic loop

Creating Christmas cards


The simpler, the more beautiful! Here you just need to tie a nice loop.

Creating Christmas cards


Creating Christmas cards


Our Tip Number 7:

Christmas card with fingerprints

Creative Christmas cards basteln- Fingerprint


Those children were so loved that they could also join in the crafting! Every family member must make a brown fingerprint here. Cut nose out of red paper and stick it on the head. Draw eyes and antlers with felt-tip pen. Fertig!

Our Tip Number 8:

Christmas card made of paper strips

Creating Christmas Cards - Paper Stripes Christmas Tree


Sticking striped trees on Christmas cards is incredibly easy! Kids can help with this map!

Our Tip Number 9:

Schneemann-Weihnachtskarte basteln

Creative Christmas cards basteln- Schneemann


You need only one loop and a few knots for this white Christmas card. Those eyes can also be optionally drawn with felt-tip pen.

Our Tip Number 10:

Create funny Christmas cards

Shrek's Lebkuchenmann is almost a concept. You can use his proverbs in the Christmas season for greeting cards. Our tip: Back the Lebkuchen man and stick to the postcard.

Our cookie recipe can be found under this link: (LINK)

What do you need here?

  • Lebkuchenteig
  • Ausstecher
  • Sugar Cube (In the colors: white, red, blue)
  • Sugar drops (small cutting)
  • 3 pieces of cardboard paper
  • Heißkleber
  • Filzstift
creative christmas card- lebkuchmännchen

Step 1: Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and leave to cool for 20 minutes
Step 2: Roll out the dough with the noodle wood to a thickness of 2 cm.
Step 3: Cut with the protruding Lebkakmen from the dough
Step 4: Bake the cheesecake at 200 degrees Celsius 5-6 minutes long.
Step 5: Let the cookies cool for about 20 minutes.
Step 6: In one figure, the legs break into two halves. In another figure, a piece of the head is broken off.
Step 7: Use white sugar cast to grind on two round eyes, eyebrows, mouth.

Let's dry the Lebkuchenmen. 3 cardboard papers with one heat stick together (this is a stable hold for the Lebkuchen men). Carefully stick two Lebkuchenmen with sticky tape onto the cardboard paper. Draw a text bubble with a felt pen and rewrite text. Fertig!

Frohe Weihnachten!
Haven't found any Christmas gifts yet? With these ideas you can get started soon!

The post Creative Christmas Card Basteln appeared first on DIYDEKOIDEEN | diy ideas - deco - bastelideen - gifts - decoration.