30 Gifts for Women for Birthday - Gift Ideas for Women

Sure, it is difficult for men to find a good gift, but the gift search can be as difficult as the present for a lady should be. It is not that easy to find a suitable gift for the best girlfriend, mom or girlfriend! In fact, woman has everything, from dresses to makeup to decoration. Why could you just surprise them? Then we help! In our contribution, we also ask 30 Gifts for Women for Birthday for those who can easily afford at home themselves. Under us DIY Bastelideen find your creative money bags, foldable photo albums, DIY wood vases, praline streets and many more. A lot of fun when casting!

30 Gifts for Women for Birthday - Gift Ideas for Women

Zahlen air balloons - Gifts for Women for Birthday

You really shouldn't be ashamed of our older words! It is great, however, if you want to celebrate a birthday. Two counting balloons with the age of the lady are a pretty attention to the real gift and lend every empty corner party mood. These balloon balloons can be purchased at online parties or in regular stores at the party accessory.

Balloons - Gifts for Women for Birthday

Birthday cake in Zahlenform - Gift ideas for women for birthday

For this, bake two cake plates in the desired direction of taste. Then print out two large seals, cut them out and lay them as stencils on the cakes. Using a sharp knife, cut each tooth twice out of the cake. Layer the tufts of buttercream, then decorate with cream, fruits, pralines, macarons and flowers.

Birthday cake in cake form - Gift ideas for women for birthday

Birthday party in glass - Birthday Gifts for Women

So you pour a whole birthday party in one glass! Wrap the lid of a plain glass with a piece of paper. Fill the glass with confetti, birthday candles, a garland, sweets, facials and pralines. Finally, make a label and tie it with a pretty band around the lid. For further Gifts for Women for Birthday Ideas, just read on. We still have many great suggestions for you too!

Birthday Party in Glass - Birthday Gifts for Women


DIY Wooden Vase - Birthday Gift for Women

A little shrubby flower for a birthday is always a good idea! Especially attentive is to give the ostrich directly with a vase, especially if you can surprise a colleague in the office and your birthday, you should think in that vase. Making a vase is really easy: stick with the hot-stick gun on a plain glass and finish the vase. The pieces should have the same length and be longer than the glass!

DIY wood vase - birthday gift for women self-braced

Breakfast for the birthday - make gifts for women for the birthday

Over breakfast in bed, ask yourself! Take a cardboard box, a small drawer or a wooden box and empty it with a cloth. Now juice in a bottle of straw, a birthday card, breads or croissants, butter, sliced ​​fruit, a glass of honey, a coffee cup with cutlery, an ostrich flower and muesli in a single glass and surprise the birthday child.

For Mama only the Best! Who is looking for great gift ideas for mom, for us 40 homemade gifts for mom Gesammelte!

Breakfast for the birthday - gifts for women for the same birthday

Foldable birthday card with Polaroid camera

A map fell out of a cardboard box. Just outline a rectangle on a sheet of paper, that's the front view of the camera. Next, over and under the camera add a narrow rectangle. Cut out the templates, transfer them to the cardboard box and cut them out. Then paint and adhere the front view of the camera to white paper. Now the camera dropped. Make slots in the map and snap the camera. Capture a polaroid from the family and stick it in the camera and finish the map!

Foldable Birthday Card with Polaroid Camera

Birthday paper towels

Gifts for Women for Birthday must not necessarily say! This sweet, small cake can easily be made out of paper: two equally wide, but different long strips made of cardboard and a narrow edge. Now cut the edge in French. Next, cut out a circle for the lid of the drawer and a larger one for the bottom. Stick the circles on the fringed edge, then make paper and candles from straw straws, stick them together and put the tray together.

Paper birthday tags


Bath Bombs - Gift Ideas for Women for Birthday

I hope your birthday is a bomb!

Mix 250g of baking soda, 125g of citric acid and 60g of edible strength. Now melt 60g of coconut oil, mix in a separate bowl with a few drops of essential oil and some liquid food. With a teaspoon, slowly add and stir the liquid ingredients to the dry. Shape the balls with the hands or give the mass in special shapes. You can also use ice cube molds or plate cutters. Pack the bath bombs and write a label.

Bath Bombs - Gift Ideas for Women for Birthday

Birthday Tag - Gift Ideas

I hope your birthday is fun!

Einfache Gifts for Women for Birthday gesucht? Who would it be with a bucket full of party snacks? A small bucket in a bright color is just the right starting material for this idea. Cut a large label out of cardboard, then tie it with a thick cord around the bucket. Fill the bucket with chocolate bars, candies, nuts and other crab stuff. Only small gifts, such as socks, nail polish or jewelery, that make snacks.

Birthday Tag - Gift Ideas

The post 30 Gifts for Women for Birthday - Gift Ideas for Women appeared first on DIYDEKOIDEEN | diy ideas - deco - bastelideen - gifts - decoration.